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Dark French Blend (Dark Roast)

Low Acid:
Yes. Up to 90% lower acid than national brands.

Ingredients: Organic coffee beans

See our organic ingredients and analytical page for verification.

Description: A rich and bold flavor. Slow roasted, this classic coffee has all the attributes of a French roasted coffee without the acidity and bitterness. Mavericks boldest roast, next to our espresso, this is in our opinion among some of the most pleasant and tasteful French roasts available today. Enjoy Mavericks slow roasted and low acid coffee.

 Also available in our Bold 3 Pack!

Cupping Notes:
Bold & rich, "edgy", with a hint of smokiness.  Smooth on the palate. A highly drinkable cup.


  • Country: Central and South America
  • Grade 1: SHG & SHB (Strictly High Grown, Strictly Hard Bean)
  • Region: Blended Varietals
  • Mark: Signature Blend
  • Processing: Wet Process (Washed)
  • Appearance: 17-18 Screen